Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Sierra Club

The Sierra Club and Their â€Å"Act† to Help The Government and Environmental Policy. The purpose of the United States' public policy law is to implement restrictions in an effort to solve problems, which can be seen with the Clean Water Act of the Sierra Club. Public policy has also been employed to reform the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Although the United States government is noble in it's efforts to preserve the environment through these acts, the internal structure of public policy often retards these acts' effectiveness. This paper will explore the many ways in which factors such as horizontal implementation, divided government and other forms of public policy affect the environmental legislation involved with the aforementioned acts. The main factors involved with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 with the Sierra Club, involve horizontal implementation structure and divided government. Before one can discuss how these policies affect environmental legislation, a brief description of each must first be lucidly explained. When our government was founded, a system of checks and balances was implemented between the executive, judicial, and legislative branches to ensure that no one part of government gets too much power. Although this limits the power of any one person in government, it often slows down the ability of government because a consensus can be difficult with so many people working together. Another problem is that there are many sub governments affecting the legislation as well, such as interest groups like the Sierra Club, Administrative Agents like the Environmental Protection Agency, and Congressional Committees. Because these groups add to the total number of people working on the legislation, the or iginal noble ideology of making policy for the good of the nation is voided. Also because there are so many differences of opinion, few drastic changes are made, instead small incremental changes are made which t... Free Essays on Sierra Club Free Essays on Sierra Club The Government and Environmental Policy. The purpose of the United States' public policy law is to implement restrictions in an effort to solve problems, which can be seen with the Clean Water Act of the Sierra Club. Public policy has also been employed to reform the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Although the United States government is noble in it's efforts to preserve the environment through these acts, the internal structure of public policy often retards these acts' effectiveness. This paper will explore the many ways in which factors such as horizontal implementation, divided government and other forms of public policy affect the environmental legislation involved with the aforementioned acts. The main factors involved with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 with the Sierra Club, involve horizontal implementation structure and divided government. Before one can discuss how these policies affect environmental legislation, a brief description of each must first be lucidly explained. When our government was founded, a system of checks and balances was implemented between the executive, judicial, and legislative branches to ensure that no one part of government gets too much power. Although this limits the power of any one person in government, it often slows down the ability of government because a consensus can be difficult with so many people working together. Another problem is that there are many sub governments affecting the legislation as well, such as interest groups like the Sierra Club, Administrative Agents like the Environmental Protection Agency, and Congressional Committees. Because these groups add to the total number of people working on the legislation, the or iginal noble ideology of making policy for the good of the nation is voided. Also because there are so many differences of opinion, few drastic changes are made, instead small incremental changes are made which take up lots of time and retard the effectivenes... Free Essays on Sierra Club The Sierra Club and Their â€Å"Act† to Help The Government and Environmental Policy. The purpose of the United States' public policy law is to implement restrictions in an effort to solve problems, which can be seen with the Clean Water Act of the Sierra Club. Public policy has also been employed to reform the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Although the United States government is noble in it's efforts to preserve the environment through these acts, the internal structure of public policy often retards these acts' effectiveness. This paper will explore the many ways in which factors such as horizontal implementation, divided government and other forms of public policy affect the environmental legislation involved with the aforementioned acts. The main factors involved with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 with the Sierra Club, involve horizontal implementation structure and divided government. Before one can discuss how these policies affect environmental legislation, a brief description of each must first be lucidly explained. When our government was founded, a system of checks and balances was implemented between the executive, judicial, and legislative branches to ensure that no one part of government gets too much power. Although this limits the power of any one person in government, it often slows down the ability of government because a consensus can be difficult with so many people working together. Another problem is that there are many sub governments affecting the legislation as well, such as interest groups like the Sierra Club, Administrative Agents like the Environmental Protection Agency, and Congressional Committees. Because these groups add to the total number of people working on the legislation, the or iginal noble ideology of making policy for the good of the nation is voided. Also because there are so many differences of opinion, few drastic changes are made, instead small incremental changes are made which t...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Sociology of Gender

The Sociology of Gender The sociology of gender is one of the largest subfields within sociology  and features theory and research that critically interrogates the social construction of gender, how gender interacts with other social forces in society, and how gender relates to social structure overall. Sociologists within this subfield study a wide range of topics with a variety of research methods, including things like identity, social interaction, power and oppression, and the interaction of gender with other things like race, class, culture, religion, and sexuality, among others. The Difference Between Sex and Gender To understand the sociology of gender one must first understand how sociologists define gender and sex. Though male/female and man/woman are often conflated in the English language, they actually refer to two very different things: sex and gender. The former, sex, is understood by sociologists to be a biological categorization based on reproductive organs. Most people fall into the categories of male and female, however, some people are born with sex organs that do not clearly fit either category, and they are known as intersex. Either way, sex is a biological classification based on body parts. Gender, on the other hand, is a  social  classification based on ones identity, presentation of self, behavior, and interaction with others. Sociologists view gender as learned behavior and a culturally produced identity, and as such, it is a social category. The Social Construction of Gender That gender is a social construct becomes especially apparent when one compares how men and women behave across different cultures, and how in some cultures and societies, other genders exist too. In Western industrialized nations like the U.S., people tend to think of masculinity and femininity in dichotomous terms, viewing men and women as distinctly different and opposites. Other cultures, however, challenge this assumption and have less distinct views of masculinity and femininity. For example, historically there was a category of people in the Navajo culture called berdaches, who were anatomically normal men but who were defined as a third gender considered to fall between male and female. Berdaches married other ordinary men (not Berdaches), although neither was considered homosexual, as they would be in today’s Western culture. What this suggests is that we learn gender through the process of socialization. For many people, this process begins before they are even born, with parents selecting gendered names on the basis of the sex of a fetus, and by decorating the incoming babys room and selecting its toys and clothes in color-coded and gendered ways that reflect cultural expectations and stereotypes. Then, from infancy on, we are socialized by family, educators, religious leaders, peer groups, and the wider community, who teach us what is expected from us in terms of appearance and behavior based on whether they code us as a boy or a girl. Media and popular culture play important roles in teaching us gender too. One result of gender socialization is the formation of gender identity, which is one’s definition of oneself as a man or woman. Gender identity shapes how we think about others and ourselves and also influences our behaviors. For example, gender differences exist in the likelihood of drug and alcohol abuse, violent behavior, depression, and aggressive driving. Gender identity also has an especially strong effect on how we dress and present ourselves, and what we want our bodies to look like, as measured by normative standards. Major Sociological Theories of Gender Each major sociological framework has its own views and theories regarding gender and how it relates to other aspects of society. During the mid-twentieth century, functionalist theorists argued that men filled instrumental roles in society while women filled  expressive roles, which worked to the benefit of society. They viewed a gendered division of labor as important and necessary for the smooth functioning of a modern society. Further, this perspective suggests that our socialization into prescribed roles drives gender inequality by encouraging men and women to make different choices about family and work. For example, these theorists see wage inequalities as the result of choices women make, assuming they choose family roles that compete with their work roles, which renders them less valuable employees from the managerial standpoint. However, most sociologists now view this functionalist approach as outdated and sexist, and there is now plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that the wage gap is influenced by deeply ingrained gender biases rather than by choices men and women make about family-work balance. A popular and contemporary approach within the sociology of gender is influenced by symbolic interactionist  theory, which focuses on the micro-level everyday interactions that produce and challenge gender as we know it. Sociologists West and Zimmerman popularized this approach with their 1987 article on doing gender, which illustrated how gender is something that is produced through interaction between people, and as such is an interactional accomplishment. This approach highlights the instability and fluidity of gender and recognizes that since it is produced by people through interaction, it is fundamentally changeable. Within the sociology of gender, those inspired by conflict theory focus on how gender and assumptions and biases about gender differences lead to the empowerment of men, oppression of women, and the structural inequality of women relative to men. These sociologists see gendered power dynamics as built into the social structure, and thus manifested throughout all aspects of a patriarchal society. For example, from this viewpoint, wage inequalities that exist between men and women result from men’s historic power to devalue women’s work and benefit as a group from the services that women’s labor provides. Feminist theorists,  building on aspects of the three areas of theory described above, focus on the structural forces, values, world views, norms, and everyday behaviors that create inequality and injustice on the basis of gender. Importantly, they also focus on how these social forces can be changed to create a just and equal society in which no one is penalized for their gender. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Business plan - Essay Example Efficient planning of business activities helps in the determination of the most efficient way of allocating resources such as inventory, assets and budgets. The information contained in a business plan helps in maintaining focus. Such information includes product information, financial estimates and the plans for the future (Chwolka and Raith, 2012). Any updates in a business plan assist an entrepreneur to understand how changes affect the entire business. A business plan enables an entrepreneur to secure financing. Banks, private investors or majority of the lending institutions depend on the business plan to understand the plans that an entrepreneur possesses in running the business, business expenses and revenues as well as future plans for growth. Chwolka and Raith (2012) assert that preparing a business plan fuels ambition for inexperienced entrepreneurs because the business is presented in an organized fashion. Adhering to the business plan enables an entrepreneur to acquire c onfidence and motivation on the future success. Additionally, business plan enhances the effectiveness of the business through enlightening the executives on the areas that requires focus for future as well as the present business progress. The two most salient aspects of an effective business plan are the marketing plan and financial information (Chwolka and Raith, 2012). The marketing plan enables the business to enhance competitiveness in the market through identifying the competitors and determining how the business products differ from similar products in the market. Financial information will help to attract investors in the business. From this discussion, it is clear that a plan is a compulsory tool for a successful business. Therefore, what are the necessary steps involved in the formulation of an affective business

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What Functions of Management Has McDonald's Leadership Used in Order Essay

What Functions of Management Has McDonald's Leadership Used in Order to Turn Around the Company and Make It Profitable - Essay Example What Functions of Management Has McDonald's Leadership Used in Order to Turn Around the Company and Make It Profitable? It is the duty of the organization to make sure that they are well equipped resources wise and as well as in the form of manpower. It is the duty of the management to make sure that they hire the right kind of people for the organization. In today’s business the role of management is very crucial. They have to hire right, organize efficiently and effectively and make sure all the business units are working as they are supposed to. In this case, Mc Donald’s at earlier was actually focusing on the growth of the number of franchises that it had. They were focused on growth but in a totally different sense. This problem was later identified by the management and the decided to deal with it by focusing more the collection of higher revenues from each of the existing branches. The entire shift in focus was a better idea as it helped increase revenues for the fast food chain. There are many functions of the management. The main four functions of management are planning, organizing, controlling and leading. It is the duty of the management to plan keeping in mind the budget that they have and the resources available. In case of Mc Donald’s, the earlier flaw was where they thought that they can make billions by just opening shop after shop.hey had failed to realize that by just opening shops they will never be able to generate revenue. This caused a serious increase in their expenses as their fixed costs increased while there was no significant increase in the revenue in fact the branches that were earlier giving profits also started turning out losses as the customers who were coming there become dispersed. If there would have been some proper planning they would have analyzed the areas and then franchised or opened up a shop so that the customers would increase in number instead of being dispersed (Aaker, David, 1991). Then, what is most amazing ab out Mc Donald’s is the cost control that they have, despite the world facing a lot of economic crunch the prices of Mc Donald’s have had no escalation, instead they are still offering the same value meal with the same service and quality. The central function of an organization’s marketing department is to anticipate consumer’s expectations about the company’s products and the best way to deliver these organizational promises. Consumer behavior encapsulates all facets of purchase, use and disposal of the product/service produced by the organization. The core element of the study of consumer behavior is the fact that the buying activities are dependent on the consumer’s personality. High risk takers indulge in the buying of new and risky product/technology which has not yet been established in the market. Further, consumer buying patterns change with the lifecycle of the consumer, because the consumer itself undergoes personality changes. The control and the leading quality of the management is visible from the way that they had anticipated the fact that it’s the ethnic groups that are basically introducing newer trends in the markets. The new product range that they had introduced also showed the keenness that they had in attracting newer customers and the tactics that they used to retain the older existing customers. The introduction of the newer product range and making Mc Donald’s â€Å"an any time walk in restaurant† has totally changed their positioning in the market, since they are catering to much more diverse market than ever before. Delving into the psychology of buying

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Taoism :: essays papers

Taoism It is always present in you. You can use it anyway you want. Taoism is one of the two great philosophical and religious traditions that originated in China. The other philosophy native to China is Confucianism. Both Taoism and Confucianism began at about the same time, around the sixth century B.C. China's third great religion, Buddhism, came to China from India around the second century of the common era. Together, these three faiths have shaped Chinese life and thought for nearly twenty-five hundred years. One dominate concept in Taoism and Buddhism is the belief in some form of reincarnation. The idea that life does not end when one dies is an integral part of these religions and the culture of the Chinese people. Although not accepted by our beliefs, its understanding helps build strength in our own religion. Reincarnation, life after death, beliefs are not standardized between the religions. Each religion has a different way of applying this concept to its beliefs. Ignorance of these beliefs is a sign of weakness in the mind. To truly understand ones own religion, one must also understand those concepts of the other religions of the world. Hopefully this will be an enlightenment on the reincarnation concepts as they apply to Taoism and Buddhism. The goal in Taoism is to achieve tao, to find the way. Tao is the ultimate reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed and which continues to guide the world and everything in it. Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not a god or a supreme being as with Christians, for Taoism is not monotheistic. The focus is not to worship one god, but instead on coming into harmony with tao. Tao is the essence of everything that is right, and complications exist only because people choose to complicate their own lives. Desire, ambition, fame, and selfishness are seen as hindrances to a harmonious life. It is only when one rids himself of all desires can tao be achieved. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life itself. The longer the one's life, the closer to tao one is presumed to have become. Eventually the hope is to become immortal, to achieve tao, to have reached the deeper life. This is the afterlife for a Taoist -- to be in harmony with the universe. To understand the relationship between life and the Taoism concept

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ladder 49 vs. the Real Fire Department Essay

Ladder 49 is a firefighter movie which gives us a better picture of the real deal in firefighting. Several facets are shown in the movie which takes us to the more intimate level of the lives of firefighters where they do their job, and the personal lives they have that are entirely affected by their being firefighters. We get a picture of how firefighters create long lasting bonds within the confines of the rigorous job and also the consequences that the job imposes to the family members. The movie may probably be the most realistic depiction of firefighting scenarios in the US by far in film history. Theoretically, the creator of the film has employed firefighter circumstances and made it as real as it can possibly get. There are, of course, some differences made due to the cinematic requirements imposed by the film industry. But overall Ladder 49 may just be about the closest look into the realities of firefighting. The story revolves around Jack Morrison, as played by Joaquin Phoenix, who worked as a firefighter for a Baltimore station. The plots of the story are basically just about Jack Morrison’s career, his personal life, and the tragic event which lead to his unfortunate demise. The movie shows every stage of his career as a firefighter. The highlights of the initial part of the process of being a firefighter showed immediate camaraderie within Jack and his colleagues. This is portrayed in scenes where the firefighters pull pranks within each other, get into fights with each other, and just plainly have fun together. The movie establishes the kind of relationship that the profession brings into the lives of these people; a certain bond of brotherhood that is highly needed in the nature of a profession which is always in a high risk of danger. Also the movie presents moving fatalities and injuries as it is present in the line of work of firefighters. Jack’s personal life aspect, however, revolves around his family. The movie showed his courtship with Linda, played by Jacinda Barrett, to their marriage and to having their own family. The more personal level of the movie gets into scenes where the it shows the effects of Jack’s being a fire fighter to the family members. One example is when Linda gets too affected with the line of work of her husband as she came into her senses when she was in a funeral of Jack’s colleague. Then the movie further shows her distress in scenes where she, while pregnant, sees her husband on the television performing a highly dangerous stunt while saving a life. This also presents the kind of trouble the marriage gets into as they fight over the danger of his career and the fear that it entails. Eventually thereafter, they had children of their own and built a family while Jack pursues a higher, more hazardous post in the department. One of the most moving storylines of the film is where Linda declares her fear of seeing the red car showing up outside their house. In real life, the red car means that the firefighting department is to report not just the death of the family member working for the department but it can also be an injured family member. Thereafter, in the latter part of the film, it did show up and it is probably one of the most moving portrayals of how the consequences of the line of work of firefighting can heavily affect personal relationships. The movie basically revolved around a scene where Jack struggles to survive in one very tragic happening amidst an instance where he was doing his job. He was trapped in between a closed space and a heavy amount of fire. During these times, the movie just draws flashbacks of all the highlights of Jack’s career as a firefighter, his relationship with his colleagues, and his personal life with his family. The movie started with this scene and practically ended in it as well. It shows scenes where Jack talks to his captain, Mike Kennedy, as played by John Travolta, while he was struggling to escape from the fire. It also showed the moving, and tragic scene where Jack gave up and declared that he should be left alone inside the burning building and have his captain command the rest of the firefighters to evacuate. Subsequently, his death marked a tremendous loss in Baltimore as it was presented in scenes of Jack’s funeral ceremonies. Although this movie is deemed to be a very good depiction of the real life scenarios of firefighters, there are still some irregularities in the movie that can be addressed. Some of the scenes may even seem to be unrealistic and are obviously integrated in the movie to add to certain levels of the film industry’s entertainment standards. One manifestation of this irregularity is when Mike Kennedy, Jack’s captain, orders his firefighters to go inside the burning building to get Jack. This would seem very appropriate for the movie as a medium of telling the audience that Jack needs help. However, the truth is in real life firefighting situations, there are no protocols whatsoever that requires the captain to signal a command to get their fellow firefighter out of danger. Firefighters are trained to be highly independent on pursuing their tasks amidst adverse conditions. This is because most of the time communication between each other and even with the captain is not easily accessible. This consequently trains the firefighters to act based on their instincts which also mean that if a fellow firefighter is in danger there should not be thinking twice and waiting for commands. Instead instinct should take its toll to just try to save the life of the fellow fire fighter in danger in any way possible. Another inconsistency is when Mike Kennedy tries to exert as much sympathy as possible to the loss of one of their colleague due to a fire incidence. He tells his subordinates to take as much rest as they need. However, in a real firefighting scenario, bereavement does not require time off as the responsibilities entailed in firefighting are broad and cannot just be neglected easily. There can be no disclosures of irregular time offs with firefighters as it is very important that they report to their stations adequately and on time. As shown in the film, there is a scene where they show the firefighters in the station resting in their beds, and when there is a call for duty they just instantly position themselves to get ready for work. This just goes to show that time is indeed important in the firefighter’s duties and responsibilities. This movie also missed hitting it in a much more sensible treatment in such case as Jack’s declaration of a hopeless situation. This is when he deliberately asked his captain to stop the rescue and just have the rest of the team leave the premises because there is no chance that he can survive the circumstances. In real life situation however, there is no chance that the captain will fall for the command of his subordinate and just let the firefighter in danger burn. The real life situation would be less dramatic, and more action-oriented. The firefighters will do just about everything to save the life of their fellow man even if the said person in danger asks for him to be left alone. This is what the camaraderie and brotherhood brings about which is discussed earlier However, above all these irregularities in the film are also many great and truthful depictions of the real life firefighting scenarios. One of which that made a clear portrayal of the firefighting scene is the quick death of one of the firefighters. The instantaneous death is very similar to how it really happens in real life. The swiftness of the events in life and death situations is just as fast as it is depicted in the movie. Also, the scenes where Jack was amidst a burning house searching for someone who is in trouble of getting burnt inside is a good depiction of real life firefighting. The actions and happenings inside have a genuine feel to it. In other movies which show fire scenes, smoke conditions are not really as heavy as it truthfully is because audience will not be able to see anything if the realistic amount of smoke is integrated in the film. But Ladder 49 made a really good representation of how the smoke can be inside the burning building. This also shows how Jack struggle to get through with the situation in ways such as crawling in the dark and knocking some things over. Generally, the film may be perceived as just another drama portraying the heroism of firefighters. But more than anything else, this movie portrays everything that is good and bad in the firefighting profession. This also makes us appreciate that such people who are ready to risk lives for the welfare of everyone still exists in our society. References Ochieng, F. (2004). Ladder 49. The Top Box Office Movies. Retrieve December 19, 2008 from http://www. theworldjournal. com/special/movies/2004/ladder49. htm Scott, D. (2004). Review: ‘Ladder 49’ Burns With Heated Action. Joaquin Phoenix Gives Sincere Performance. Retieved December 19, 2008 from http://www. 4029tv. com/entertainment/3775785/detail. html Bolton, G. (Producer, & Russell, J. (Director). (2004). Ladder 49 [ Motion picture]. United States: Touchstone Pictures & Beacon Communications.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cycles in Biology †Synoptic Essay

A cycle can be defined by a series of repeated steps that produce an end product which is the same as the start product. There are many cycles in biology including cycles that occur inside organisms such as the cardiac cycle, calvin cycle and the krebs cycle. There are also biological cycles that occur around us in the outside world such as the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. I have decided to focus my essay on the biological cycles that occur inside organisms. The cardiac cycle is vital in all organisms with a heart, to pump blood round the body. There are phases of the cardiac cycle; systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation). The heart consists of 4 chambers, 2 being the atria at the top of the heart and the other 2 being the ventricles at the bottom of the heart. Systole occurs separately in the atria and ventricles and diastole occurs simultaneously in all 4 chambers. The cardiac cycle is controlled by electrical waves that spread throughout the heart. The blood flows into the heart straight into the atria via the vena cava and pulmonary vein. A wave of electrical activity is firstly spread from the Sino-atrial node which spreads across both atria, this causes the atria to contract which forces blood down into the ventricles through the atrioventricular valves. The atrioventricular septum prevents the wave crossing the ventricles. The wave passes to the atrioventricular node where it is passed down the septum down specialised fibres known as the bundle of His. This occurs after a short delay to allow all the blood to flow from the atria to the ventricles. This wave passes down the bundle of His to the Apex of the heart where the Ventricles contract upward, pumping blood out of the ventricles into the pulmonary artery and aorta through the semilunar valves. Here the blood is then passed round the body where it then returns to the heart and the process repeats.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on HIV And AIDS

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). AIDS was initially recognized in 1981, since then it has become a global pandemic with as many as ten million people infected with HIV worldwide. From 1981-1986 over 38,000 Americans were diagnosed with AIDS. Since then the number of cases has more than tripled. The HIV virus attacks the body ¡Ã‚ ¦s immune system making HIV-infected individuals vulnerable to opportunistic infections, cancers and neurological disorders. The virus, which causes AIDS primarily, attacks white blood cells called T-4 helper cells that are part of the body ¡Ã‚ ¦s internal defense against disease. The virus may also have lasting affects on the central nervous system. An infected person ¡Ã‚ ¦s immune system responds by developing antibodies to fight off the virus. The body ¡Ã‚ ¦s ability to produce disease-fighting antibodies eventually becomes limited in HIV-infected persons as the virus reproduces and destroys the body ¡Ã‚ ¦s T-4 cells. HIV infection may lead to diseases and illnesses, which can take many forms. The problems associated with HIV infection range from the complete absence of symptoms, to mild illness, to devastating neurological disorders, to conditions, which can lead to death. For every person who has been diagnosed with AIDS there may be as many as ten persons who have HIV disease. These people my have no signs of illness and may be unaware that they are infected The period before any symptoms of HIV disease appear varies significantly from person to person. Some develop symptoms within six months to two years of exposure. Many others, however, may be infected for as many as seven years of more and shown no signs of illness. Research is being done to determine why some infected people become fatally ill while others have milder symptoms or remain symptom-free. Symptom ¡Ã‚ ¦s of HIV disease are as follows: ... Free Essays on HIV And AIDS Free Essays on HIV And AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). AIDS was initially recognized in 1981, since then it has become a global pandemic with as many as ten million people infected with HIV worldwide. From 1981-1986 over 38,000 Americans were diagnosed with AIDS. Since then the number of cases has more than tripled. The HIV virus attacks the body ¡Ã‚ ¦s immune system making HIV-infected individuals vulnerable to opportunistic infections, cancers and neurological disorders. The virus, which causes AIDS primarily, attacks white blood cells called T-4 helper cells that are part of the body ¡Ã‚ ¦s internal defense against disease. The virus may also have lasting affects on the central nervous system. An infected person ¡Ã‚ ¦s immune system responds by developing antibodies to fight off the virus. The body ¡Ã‚ ¦s ability to produce disease-fighting antibodies eventually becomes limited in HIV-infected persons as the virus reproduces and destroys the body ¡Ã‚ ¦s T-4 cells. HIV infection may lead to diseases and illnesses, which can take many forms. The problems associated with HIV infection range from the complete absence of symptoms, to mild illness, to devastating neurological disorders, to conditions, which can lead to death. For every person who has been diagnosed with AIDS there may be as many as ten persons who have HIV disease. These people my have no signs of illness and may be unaware that they are infected The period before any symptoms of HIV disease appear varies significantly from person to person. Some develop symptoms within six months to two years of exposure. Many others, however, may be infected for as many as seven years of more and shown no signs of illness. Research is being done to determine why some infected people become fatally ill while others have milder symptoms or remain symptom-free. Symptom ¡Ã‚ ¦s of HIV disease are as follows: ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Use of Spanish Subjunctive With Impersonal Es Phrases

Use of Spanish Subjunctive With Impersonal Es Phrases Learning when to use the subjunctive mood in Spanish can be a challenge, so to help you get started, this lesson looks at a particular type of simple sentence, one that starts with Es adjective or noun que. The English equivalent is It is adjective or noun that, and the usage is common in both languages. These sentences provide a good introduction to the subjunctive for Spanish students because the verb mood depends on how the verb is used rather than requiring memorization of particular phrases. The general rule about the use of mood in Spanish requires that Es _____ que would be followed by a verb in the indicative mood if the initial phrase expresses certainty- but in the subjunctive, if it expresses doubt, uncertainty, desire, probability, or an emotional reaction. The phrase can be thought of as a trigger; some phrases trigger one mood, some phrases another. The following list is far from complete, but learning them should help give you a feel for which mood will be triggered by other phrases. In the examples below, the verbs triggered by the it is statement are in boldface. Note that the that in the English translations before the verb is optional, but the Spanish que is mandatory. Es ... Que Phrases Triggering the Subjunctive Examples of the subjunctive being used to express lack of certainty: Es probable que (It is likely that): Es probable que las temperaturas mà ­nimas se acerquen a los 20 grados bajo cero. (It is likely that the low temperatures will approach the minus 20s.)Es posible que (It is possible that): Es posible que un religioso sea deshonesto. (It is possible that a religious person be dishonest.)Es imposible que (Its impossible that): Es imposible que el mundo termine el 2021. (Its impossible that the world will end in 2021.)No es cierto que (It isnt certain that): No es cierto que la medicina inyectable cause cncer. (It is not certain that the injectable medicine causes cancer.)No es seguro que (It is not certain that): No es seguro que el cliente tenga capacidad para devolver el prà ©stamo. (It is not certain that the customer has the ability to pay off the loan.) Examples of the subjunctive being used in giving advice: Es importante que (It is important that): Es importante que comiences una dieta sana. (It is important that you begin a healthy diet.)Es aconsejable que (It is advisable that):  ¿A partir de quà © edad es aconsejable que un nià ±o tenga mà ³vil? (Beginning at what age is it advisable that a child has a cellphone?)Es necesario que (It is necessary that): Es necesario que todo cambie. It is necessary that everything change. (Note that in this instance and the following two, the English translation explicitly uses the subjunctive mood.)Es preciso que (It is necessary that): Es preciso que Amà ©rica Latina reduzca la pobreza. (It is necessary that Latin America reduce poverty.) Examples of the subjunctive being used in expressing personal reactions: Es (una) lstima que (Its a shame that):  ¡Es una lstima que no està ©s conmigo! (Its a shame that you arent with me!)Es bueno que (It is good that): Es bueno que tus clientes te sigan en Twitter. (It is good that your customers are following you on Twitter. Note that the statement following que is factually true; the subjunctive is used here because the sentence is an evaluation of that fact.) Es ... Que Phrases Triggering the Indicative The indicative is used in these examples because of the expression of certainty, even though that certainty may be an opinion rather than factual. Es cierto que (It is certain that): Es cierto que solo dos personas conocen la formula secreta. It is certain that only two people know the secret formula. Es obvio que (It is obvious that): Es obvio que Miley Cyrus es mà ºchisimo mejor que Selena Gà ³mez. It is obvious that Miley Cyrus is much better than Selena Gomez. Es seguro que (It is certain that): Es seguro que el cliente tiene capacidad para devolver el prà ©stamo. It is certain that the customer has the ability to pay off the loan. No es dudoso que (It is not doubtful that): No es dudoso que ests obligado a restituirla. It is not doubtful that you are obligated to pay her back. (In real-life speech, however, it is fairly common to use the subjunctive after no es dudoso, despite what the rules of grammar say, possibly because Es dudoso que is always followed by the subjunctive.) Es verdad que (it is true that):  ¿Es verdad que los elefantes temen a los ratones? Is it true that elephants are afraid of mice? Key Takeaways A Spanish sentence beginning with es ____ que (it is _____ that) can be followed by a verb in either the subjunctive or indicative mood.The indicative verb is triggered by es ____ que phrases that express certainty.Subjunctive verbs are triggered by es ____ que phrases that indicate uncertainty, give advice, or provide an emotional reaction.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Boeing 727 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Boeing 727 - Research Paper Example The company stopped its manufacturing in the year 1984 after the introduction of more sophisticated aircrafts. The total aircrafts so far produced were around 1832. The record sales of Boeing 727 jet airliner had broken all previous records of commercial sales (Connors, 2010). Boeing 727 had the privilege to become the best selling airline in the history of aviation. Although Boeing 737 has crossed the sales ever recorded, but Boeing 727 holds a permanent place in the history of aviation as one of the most significant airplanes whose role in the development of Global Transportation System is unforgettable (Connors, 2010). Apart from domestic medium range flights, Boeing 727 created a niche the world over and fame amongst the international passenger airliners. The range of flights, the airliner could cover with additional third engine meant that Boeing 727 proved efficient service concerning short and medium range international flights in many areas around the globe. Prior to its oper ations, four engine jet airliners were required for crossing the oceans (Connors, 2010). One can gauge its performance capabilities with the factor that 727 were used as cargo airlines and charter airlines with famous service providers thus found a secondary market. Take the example of FedEx, the largest courier service of the world, introduced this fleet in the year 1978. This has played a vital role in the business of FedEx until its replacement with Boeing 757 for their courier service due to promulgation of noise regulations in the United States of America. For decades, Boeing was considered as workhorse by the major cargo airliners. However, services of Boeing 727 are still available for passengers in those countries, where noise regulations have not been introduced so far (Eden, 2008). Further, Boeing 727 proved to be a popular airliner, which serves on the airports, having lightly improved runways. Others used it to transport passengers to picnic resorts and cruise and vice v ersa. Carnival Cruise Lines is the best example of using 727 and 737 to transport their passengers to cities who took abode on their ships. Nowadays, Con Air, currently using in place of 727 aircrafts to transport prisoners to and from prisons, detaining centers, courts and other places where they are required to be transported (Eden, 2008). In the year 1971, some structural changes have taken place to enhance by placing therein more powerful engine, extended fuel capacity in its latest feature of Boeing 727-200. This had improved its range capability, efficient runway performance with a new wide body look (Norris & Wagner, 1999). This has further improved by inserting another gross weight boost from its minimum 77,122 kg to maximum 86,600 kg. In the year 1972, it has further increased to 208,000 together with the purchase of three heavy weights. The highest gross weight of 727 was raised to the level of 95,300 kg (Norris & Wagner, 1999). Boeing 727 was declared as one of the best s elling commercial airliners in the history of airline in 1972. In the year 1983, orders reached up to the mark of 1,831. With the passage of time, the Boeing 737 surpassed all the previous records it made, nevertheless 727 still holds a dominant place in the history of aviation. The most significant role played by this airliner created a lasting impression in the promotion of aviation business (Connors, 2010). Boeing 727 aircrafts