Writing paper with picture
Descriptive Essay Writing Samples
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Increase in energy Essay Example for Free
Increment in vitality Essay Presentation Resistance is the restriction a segment has on the progression of current and it is estimated in Ohms. Obstruction happens as the electrons move along the wire they slam into the metal molecules. These impacts cause the iotas to vibrate more, which make the metal more blazing, they additionally hinder the progression of electrons causing opposition. Opposition is a proportion of how hard it is for the electrons to travel through the wire. There are four figures that influence obstruction a wire. They are: 1. Temperature: If the wire is warmed up the iotas in the wire will begin to vibrate due to their expansion in vitality. This causes more crashes between the electrons and the iotas as, the molecules are moving into the method of the electrons. This expansion in impacts implies that the opposition of the wire will likewise increment. 2. Material: The sort of material will influence the measure of free electrons which can move through the wire, in the event that the material has not very many particles, at that point there will be high number of electrons causing a lower opposition in light of the fact that the electrons would have less impacts making it simpler for the current to stream. Be that as it may, if there were barely any free electrons there would be more particles stuffed intently together creation it progressively hard for the electrons to pass. 3. Wire length: If the wire is longer, at that point the opposition will be higher in light of the fact that the electrons will have a more extended separation to travel thus more crashes will happen. In light of this the length increment ought to be relative to the opposition increment. 4. Cross-Sectional Area of the Wire: If the wires width is expanded the opposition will diminish. This is a direct result of the expansion in the space for the electrons to go through. Since this expanded space between the iotas there ought to be less crashes, and progressively current will stream. Opposition can be determined utilizing this recipe R = V/I. Obstruction can be valuable in fiber lights and toasters, provided that there was no opposition then the wire would not get hot and there would be no light and no toast. Be that as it may, then again in exceptionally huge electrical cables you would prefer not to squander any power in warming up the electrical cables. That is the reason in the National Grid they utilize wide wires so that there are less impacts between the electrons and the metal particles, that is the reason the power is transmitted at high voltage and low current. This causes less opposition and less force is lost. Point In this examination I will research what impact changing the cross-sectional region has on the opposition of a wire. Information factors are the things which can be changed in a trial. In My test the information factors will be the cross-sectional territory of the wire this will be differed from thicker to more slender. Yield factors are things which are foreordained the info factors. In my examination the yield factors are amperes and volts, and these estimations will be utilized to figure opposition. My circuit will incorporate a force flexibly, wires, an ammeter, a voltmeter, and the subject wire. To make this trial a reasonable test I am going to hold the voltage to 3 volts, and keep the length of wire to 20 cm. I won't change the wires, ammeters and voltmeter. What's more, I am likewise not going to change any of different factors just the cross-sectional region of the subject wire. Forecast. I foresee that in the event that the cross-sectional region of the wire diminishes, at that point the obstruction will increment with respect to the cross-sectional territory. I think this as a result of my earlier logical information which shows that the more extensive the wire the more electrons that will have the option to move through them and the less crashes. Be that as it may, in a more slender wire there is less space for the electrons to move along these lines more impacts. My tables and charts should bolster my forecast. Mechanical assembly list:â Power Supply used to flexibly an electrical flow and voltageâ An Ammeter-used to gauge flow in amps, associated in arrangement. A Voltmeter-used to gauge voltage. Associated in parallel.â Two distinct thicknesses of Nichrome wire-used to test on.â Two unique thicknesses of Constantan wire-used to probe Meter ruler-used to hold the wire to 20 cm long.â 2 crocodile cuts used to interface the subject wire to the circuit.â Connecting wires-to associate all the parts. Security I have chosen to play it safe by Keeping the voltage at 3 volts since 4 is risky, being cautious while associating the wires and keeping in mind that dealing with the live subject wire. I likewise wore goggles and utilized warmth verification mats to keep the live wire from consuming the table. Technique 1. Right off the bat I will interface the voltmeter to the Power flexibly. 2. Interface up all the wires. 3. Interface the ammeter. 4. Use crocodile clasps to associate the subject wire. 5. Turn the force flexibly on to 3 volts. 6. The circuit should resemble my chart in the point. 7. Record the readings on the ammeter and voltmeter. 8. Rehash for all the thicknesses of wire. 9. After all the wires have been done make a table and compute the obstruction of each wire. 10. Finally rehash all means multiple times for dependable outcomes. 11. Also, discover the midpoints for the outcomes you have gathered. Primer Work I have chosen to utilize 20 cm of wire as it appeared to be a reasonable length. I additionally resolved to utilize 3 volts, since 4 volts dissolved the wire, and 3 appeared to be a sensible, more secure other option. I investigated which of the two materials to utilize. (Nichrome or Constantan). I thought about outcomes on two diverse thickness SWG 32 and SWG 26 and recorded this data in three tables and three diagrams.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
UK Competitiveness Free Essays
In excess of 200 undertakings in rail, street, neighborhood transport, flood barriers, broadband, air terminal framework and waste administration are because of start development in 2014 to 2015 alone. This has been attempted to improve UK organizations capacity to move merchandise, to convey and make the UK a progressively alluring spot to set up a business or contribute. UK organizations may pick up favorable circumstances because of these upgrades in framework that improve their intensity. We will compose a custom paper test on UK Competitiveness or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Then again, interest in foundation isn't modest, immense totals of cash has been committed to improvement ventures and this cash could have been spent somewhere else. The Investment In Infrastructure Is a smart thought, as It helps I-J firms become progressively effective and can diminish costs, making them progressively nominative Increasing access to back Is another measure that has been embraced by means of the formation of the financing for loaning plan and the El boycott business bank. The expanded access to capital for business may prompt expanded interest in improving innovation, getting increasingly beneficial or developing in size. These can just assistance UK organizations become increasingly serious on worldwide markets and help increment their fares. This encourages speculation by organizations on developing and getting progressively serious however it likewise isn't an assurance that they will do as such. Organizations may not consider it to be worthwhile to contribute around then and may clutch their cash, having no beneficial outcomes on UK intensity. Likewise an expanded assessment recompense prompts diminished duty receipts which lessens the legislatures pay while is as of now running at a shortage and may mean it can't go through cash somewhere else. The administration is experiencing the way toward slicing enterprise charge from 23% to 20% by 2015. This will make the UK a progressively alluring spot to set up a business and empowers Investment Into the nation. Anyway It means that the UK will see decreased assessment receipts which may diminish open pending as less cash Is accessible and this will negatively affect seriousness. Likewise, organizations may choose not to put away cash spared from business guideline includes expelling two guidelines at whatever point one new one is made and this causes business to create and develop as there are less obstructions to go through to complete things. Likewise there is no expense to this strategy which implies that no cash is detracted from different segments or regions of spending. A negative impact of the strategy is that an excessive amount of deregulation could have extreme negative consequences for the economy, as observed by the emergency of 2008. Steps to improve the instruction framework have started by means of changes to the educational program to advance science and improve English abilities, just as improving preparing and expanding both the quality and the quantity of apprenticeships accessible to individuals in the I-J. These means can assist with improving intensity as though your workforce is increasingly gifted then they will for the most part observe an ascent in profitability an improved probability of internal venture prompting higher effectiveness. Business may grow new innovation making them increasingly serious as result as a superior taught workforce. In any case, there is a period slack, these measures sick produce a very long time to have a results and may not be so frantically required later on. Likewise the impact of work expenses may in any case mean the business contribute or set up somewhere else, as cost abrogates aptitude and this won't improve intensity. Taking everything into account, each measure has its destructions however it is how they are actualized and how they are directed that chooses their viability. For instance, interest in framework can't be set excessively high so it hauls from different zones and duties ought to be sliced to support venture and advance business development yet slice to a level that is helpful for both business and the economy in general. Step by step instructions to refer to UK Competitiveness, Papers
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
The Igs
The Igs Ill assume that weve all heard of the Nobel Prizes, yes? Perfect, now how about the Ig Nobels? The Ig Nobels are a humorous offshoot of the prestigious Nobel Prizes, honoring individuals for achievements that makes people laugh and then think. What does this mean? Well, basically, scientists and researchers from around the world are selected because they have research that seems completely absurd. They are then voted on, discussed, and eventually cropped down to the final prize winners. I know youre saying to yourself Im ridiculous! I can do really absurd research! I should win an IgNobel! More power to you, but heres what youre up against: In the category of Linguistics Juan Manuel Toro, Josep B. Trobalon and Núria Sebastián-Gallés, of Universitat de Barcelona, for showing that rats sometimes cannot tell the difference between a person speaking Japanese backwards and a person speaking Dutch backwards. In the category of Peace The Air Force Wright Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, USA, for instigating research development on a chemical weapon the so-called gay bomb that will make enemy soldiers become sexually irresistible to each other. In the category of aviation Patricia V. Agostino, Santiago A. Plano and Diego A. Golombek of Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina, for their discovery that Viagra aids jetlag recovery in hamsters. Do you still think youre capable of something worthy of an Ig Nobel? The reason I bring this up is because the Ig Nobels take place in Cambridge Massachusetts, the happy little home of MIT and Harvard. The ceremonies traditionally take place at Harvard and the informal lectures that follow several days later are at MIT. While I missed the ceremonies, I did make a point of going to the informal lectures. The informal lectures are when you get a chance to actually hear the reasoning behind all of this research. Consider it a Why to the Huh?! Each speaker has 5 minutes to share all of their research and try to convince the audience that they arent off their rocker. To avoid any speakers hogging the stage its tradition to employ two members of the audience to help with moving the show along. When they asked for two volunteers I did the typical 6th grade Me Me Me Me Me! and waved my hand around from near the back of the lecture hall (actually, it was a subdued and altogether graceful raising of my hand). The MC picked me and said Great, we have a time keeper! Do you have a watch with a second hand? Uh oh. I look at my watch. I stuttered for a bit. I look around at the 200 people in the room, all looking at me. I then look back down at the MC, at which point I had to confess. Actually, Im wearing a binary watch. Everybody around me and throughout the lecture hall just started laughing and clapping, it was pretty amazing. I was quickly handed a watch with a second hand by Mason 10 and was all set. I was teamed up with an associate time-keeper. Her job was to sit up front near the speaker and turn her cell phone up to an obnoxiously loud volume. My job was to call her every minute and tell her how many minutes were left in each persons presentation. Heres a picture of us exchanging phone numbers: The rest of the ceremony went off very well, with me calling and her warning. We heard stories about homosexual mallards, bottomless bowls of soup, and vanilla extracted from cow dung, creating a great start to the day. I fully intend on going to both the ceremonies AND the lectures next year so I can get the true Ig experience.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee - 1061 Words
As Lemony Snicket wrote in The Blank Book, â€Å"People don’t always get what they deserve in this world.†1930s America was fraught with racism, especially in the southern states. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, a Negro man by the name of Tom Robinson was put on trial. Although he was not guilty, the jury convicted him because of the colour of his skin. During the trial, others showed injustice towards Tom and people that were on his side. As Tom’s lawyer, Atticus Finch was not admired by many of the white citizens of Maycomb, the town in which the novel takes place. Although Atticus and Jean Louise Finch (Scout) were white, they were still treated unjustly as a result of helping and supporting Tom Robinson. Scout, Atticus’†¦show more content†¦In the novel, Scout s cousin, Francis Hancock, said â€Å"I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family–†(Lee 110). Francis criticized Atticus through Scout. He did not believe that whites should be helping blacks. He called Atticus a â€Å"nigger lover†like many others in Maycomb, even though Atticus was simply trying to help an innocent man, treating him the way everyone should be treated. Mrs. Dubose disapproved of the man that Atticus decided to defend. She believed that Atticus has gone against what he was taught when he was raised. To Mrs. Dubose, anyone associated with the Negroes were no better than them. Many people in Maycomb had the same views as Mrs. Dubose. They believed that being friends with a Negro made you trash like them. Therefore, they had been calling Jem and Scout names and insulting Atticus by calling him a nigger lover. Like Mrs. Dubose, Francis said that Atticus had gone against the family. As a child, Scout experienced injustice. Since she was just a child, it was very easy for others to treat her unjustly. Her classmates, Mrs. Caroline, and Mr. Ewell criticized and harmed her for unjust reasons. Cecil Jacobs, one of Scout s classmates, said, â€Å"Scout Finch s daddy defended niggers.†(Lee 99). Cecil insulted Scout, making her upset. Scout wanted to start a fight, but was stopped by her brother, Jem Finch. Even as a child,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Health Problems Among the American Indians and Alaskan Natives Free Essay Example, 1500 words
American Indians and Alaskan Natives individual should be educated regarding the deleterious effects of diabetes and the factors that cause them. They should be informed of how lifestyle changes and eating habits can contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes. They should be guided about the prospect of bringing positive changes in their lifestyle and how such changes can benefit them in the long run. In addition, they should be educated about handling the various aspects of the disease. Families that are currently experiencing the problem need to be educated about prevention of complications that arise secondary to diabetes. The concerned authorities should take into consideration the fact that the native style of earning a living has been replaced due to numerous modern advancements. The American Indians and Alaskan Natives should be encouraged to adopt professions that demand a high level of physical activity; a change that is likely to decrease fat accumulation in the body and h ence prevent diabetes development. Moreover, the American Indians and Alaskan Natives should be provided ample opportunities to adopt professions with high fiscal yield; improved financial status will allow them to include high-protein, low-fat, low-calorie items in their diet, thereby preventing the individuals from developing diabetes. The health sector of the country should be instructed to develop programs targeted at reducing diabetes incidence among the American Native Indians and Alaskan Natives. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Problems Among the American Indians and Alaskan Natives or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critical Thinking Evaluation Free Essays
Critial Evaluation of an Academic Source NMN Capella University ED5001 Critial Evaluation of an Academic Source This paper is a critical evaluation regarding the suitability of using scholarly articles as an academic source. We will analyze the â€Å"Critical Thinking: An Extended Definition†that discusses various scholar definiitons on what is critical thinking and the process of critical thinking. Checklist for Critical Evaluation Peer Review Is the article peer reviewed? This article is a peer review. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Thinking Evaluation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is the article primary, secondary, or tertiary? This article is tertiary. Main Issue What is the main issue or problem the author is focusing on in this article? The main issue that the author is focusing on is the idea that in the academic world the word critical thinking is used frequently, but the way it is defined is so broad that at times it is hard to apply these definitions. It seems that various scholars have a different definition for critical thinking, and in most cases the definitions are lacking in terms of giving direction on the process of thinking critically. Significance of the Issue Discuss the significance of the issue which is the focus of the article. The significance of the issue in this article is the author is trying to tell those in the academic world that the idea of critical thinking is so broad that those in the various disciplines need to see there needs to be continuous discussion regarding the idea of critical thinking. This idea that there’s no one answer with reagrds to defining critical thinking. Why is it important? I think its important because according to the article that the different disciplines have a different way of looking at critical thinking. This main reason is why the author feels that everyone should discuss this idea of critical thinking on a continuos basis. Having discussions on a continuous basis allows scholars from various disciplines to look at varying perspectives of critical thinking that they wouldn’t otherwise see in their own discipline. On what do you base your assertions regarding its significance? I base my assertions from the different definitions of critical thinking from various scholars from different backgrounds that the author discussed. Author’s Purpose What is the author’s main purpose(s) in writing the article? The main purpose of the author writing this article is to promote the discussion between scholars of different academic disciplines regarding the definition of critical thinking and the ways it can be applied. Author’s Point of View What is the author’s point of view? The author’s point of view is that critical thinking has a broad a definition and can be applied in different ways depending on how the person is looking at it. Conceptual Foundation What are the main concepts presented in the article? The main concepts presented in this article first the idea that there’s no clear and precise definition of critical thinking. The second main concept that I found in the article is the idea of knowing and asking quality questions. The other concept that I got from the article is the idea that the term critical thinking has different meaning in various contexts. What information is the author using, and what is its relationship to the main issue? The information that the author is using is to look at various scholars from different disciplines definition and app;lication of the term critical thinking. Does the information used appear relevant, significant, valid, and sufficient for the conclusions being drawn? Yes I believe it is relevant, significant, and sufficient enough to be used to draw a conclusion. Do you have enough information to determine whether the information is relevant, significant, and valid? Yes I do, because the author has provided us with how different disciplines define and use the term critical thinking. The author is able to show us how broad and unclear the term critical thinking is. Author’s Assumptions What unstated assumptions is the author making in the article? The unstated assumptions that the other is making the article is the idea that all academic disciplines use critical thinking as a basis in their field of study. Another assumption that I think is being made is that scholars in various disciplines don’t agree across the board with regards to defining critical thinking and its application. Author’s Conclusions What conclusion(s) are being drawn by the author? The author I think is concluding that this article will help speakers, scholars, listeners etc. to not only understand the term critical thinking better, but also help them to use the term in academic literature. What are the implications of the conclusion(s)? The implication of the conclusion is the fact that the author is making the assumption that a lot of people don’t understand and/or know how to use the term in general especially in academic literature. Problem Areas What potential problems do you see in the author’s reasoning? I thinking that the author might be a little bias in making the assumptuion that just because the term critical thinking definition is so broad that most scholars don’t discuss with each other in order to understand the context that theyre using the term. What potential problems are there with the author’s use of information? The author doesn’t really show how he determined the various scholar definitions he chose to use in making his various points. You don’t know if his selections were subjective or objective. What point of view is ignored by this author, or has not been considered in dealing with the issue? Summary of Critical Evaluation Would you use the article in support of your own writing? I don’t think I would use this article in my own writing. Why or why not? The reason I wouldn’t use this article because it seems to be a one-sided argument, and the author seems to make a lot of assumptions about what goes on in the academic world in terms of using the word critical thinking. What limitations would you place on its use? The limitations I would place is that the author may have placed too much of his opinion in the article. References Capella University. (n. d. ). Critical thinking model. Retrieved from http://media. capella. edu/CourseMedia/PSYC4900/criticalThinking/criticalThinking_wrapper. asp How to cite Critical Thinking Evaluation, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Marketing Plan for the BMW Z4 Car-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan for the BMW Z4 Car. Answer: The BMW Z4 BMW Z4 is one of the BMW products designed with a stunning hardtop and elongated hood combine. The vehicle has a powerful engine, low stance and has a seating position ahead of the rear axle to help the person driving take every corner straightaway and fast. It is of metallic paint combined with black Alcantara. The car is designed in a way someone can enjoy driving it as the hardtop can open and close in 90seconds even if it is at the speed of 25 mph. Therefore this vehicle was manufactured targeting those customers with a higher income and in love with sporty cars (BMW Concept Z4 First Look - Motor Trend, n.d.). Steps involved in writing a marketing plan A marketing plan is among the critical tools for any business to run comfortably and be able to attain what it needs. To run a successful business involves making potential customers know what you offer as a business person and coming up with a way that shows your product is the best to persuade them to buy (Wood, 2008). The marketing plan includes the advertising plan, pricing strategy, sale or distribution and a business's unique selling proposition and strategy to meet their objectives (Chase, Mackillop Hogarth, 2013). The fooling steps are involved when coming up with a marketing plan. Target Audience As a business person, one has to identify the target audience that is interested in buying the product. When coming up with the target audience, one should also find ways in which their products are unique than those of their competitors for the customers to come for them. When identifying the target audience, an image should be created in their minds that will make them come for the product. BMW Z4 targets customers with a higher income, and the vehicle has powerful engines and a hardcover top that can close or open in 90 seconds even at a speed of 25 mph making it different from its competitors catching the customer's attention (BMW Z4 - BMW USA, n.d.). Marketing goals Setting marketing goals entails drafting marketing objectives. The marketing goals help determine the success and failure of the business, and for this reason, they should be (SMART) that is specific, measurable, attainable reasonable and timely. Goals are things you want to achieve for a period of time. The main goal of BMW Z4 is to communicate luxury that is unmistakably unique that can help it get a good number of customers that love luxury in a short period. Strategies and tactics It takes time to carry out a good research that can help one come up with right strategies and tactics that not only help them win customers but also be ahead of their competitors (Perreault, 2010). It involves identifying a space that is empty in the market and trying to fill it up. It also involves the different kinds of media and different advertising tools or methods one may use to attain their goal and also reach the customers. A business person should take time to determine the best way to reach customers because customers are reached in different ways. One has to also have a marketing budget to gather costs of tactics. For example, the BMW Z4 has powerful engines that are not present in other cars and also a hard cover that opens and closes in seconds which is a good strategy to win customers. They advertise this vehicle using social media and websites and this way it is easy to reach to different customers across the world and also spend less. SWOT Analysis These are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are exhibited in organizations (Kim, Hayes, Avant Reid, 2014). These factors affect businesses internally and externally, internal factors being strength and weaknesses while external factors being opportunities and threats. Internal factors can easily be controlled as they may involve employee attitude, and the resources needed in manufacturing while external factors are uncontrollable because they are beyond what the business can do for example politics and competitors (Sinapuelas, Wang Bohlmann, 2015). Strengths and weaknesses The strengths of an organization are the positive attributes that are tangible and intangible in an organization (Cameron, 2014). It is what makes the organization do well over their competitors, for example, good technology and capital, while weaknesses are the internal negative factors. These are the things that need to be improved to be able to maintain competition, for example, poor location and lack of access to the market. For example, BMW Z4 has an excellent reputation, and it is also known as one of the best cars in the world giving it an advantage over competitors. This car has been made luxuriously, yet some people do not like luxury making it a weakness as they lose some customers. Weaknesses should be covered by strengths (Mintz Currim, 2013). Opportunities and threats Just like strengths, opportunities are positive factors that are external. They are attractive external factors that can help the business expand and benefit, for example, if your business viewed positively and growth in the market. Threats are external negative factors that cannot be controlled and can put the business at risk (Maggon Harish, 2015). Example of threats can be competitors and new technology in the market that the business is unaware of. BMW Z4 is the newest car in town that is luxurious, comfortable and has new technology that gives it a positive view of customers, and the car faces a threat from Mercedes Benz S Coupe that is also new and has luxurious features. Another threat is the everyday changing technology. Opportunities should be used to deal with threats. Competitor Analysis Competitor analysis is carried out to identify competitors and their strengths and weaknesses compared to those of your business. This way one can establish a way in which their product is unique for them to be able to attract more customers and run ahead of their competitors (Kumar, Sharma Gupta, 2017). The objectives of competitors help one set their targets well for competition. For the BMW Z4 to get ahead of competitors, they have a website that can show a range of the product and features of the car. The car also has classical proportions that can go through in an elongated hood that boldly defines the presence of the car. This way the car has been able to overcome competition from other vehicle brands in the market. Mission A mission defines the goals of a company or brand. It shows what the company does for the customers, employees and the owners. It also shows the culture and norms of the company (John, Katherine Jocz, 2012). Through the mission customers and competitors get what the brand or business is all about. The mission of BMW Z4 is a leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility and for customers to be comfortable. Marketing Objectives To increase profitand sales in six months. To improve communications both internally and externally. To get new customers in at least every two months for the six months. Financial Objectives To decrease individual costs by shipping vehicles in large quantities. To attain more than 40% profit of the vehicles sold within four months. To reduce the costs of vehicles, one's the 40% is attained. Marketing Mix Strategy Marketing mix strategy uses 4P's of marketing to enhance components of the marketing mix. The marketing mix is the way one takes a new product to the market. The meaning of 4Ps is what it entails, price, product, promotion, and place (Blythe, 2009). The 4Ps help one to attain a specific customers need or demand. The brand can use various digital media platforms to pass their message to customers in the world (Adam, Wim Micheline, 2011). For example, Facebook is a good example of advertising a product. BMW Z4 can use websites, social media platforms and other internet sites to market itself. For example, the product can be marketed by showing different sizes, qualities, colors and the designs it has. BMW Z4 can put different pictures of the same vehicle on their website for people to see and have their choice. The vehicles price could be placed on different media platforms, for example, Facebook and WhatsApp for people in different areas to know the price and they can even make it negotiable on their pages. The place of distribution can also be communicated on the websites. Promotion is taking messages about your product across the target market. BMW Z4 since it has a large target audience over the whole world it can use the internet to market itself. The brand can create a page where customers can be able to engage in conversations with them and ask for clarification. This way they will be creating good relations and marketing the product at the same time (Hartmann, Nair Narayanan, 2011). Digital communication is the key to marketing these days, and it should be used by every company (Luan Sudhir, 2010). Action Programs designed to achieve Marketing and Financial objectives To attain marketing objectives, the program that has been designed is capitalizing on the latest digital communication tools. Employees have been informed about global marketing and digital marketing to ensure they get many customers as they can. The employees have been trained to update websites daily to ensure no information comes out that customers are not aware of. The BMW Z4 has also created social media platforms for quick access to customers and to keep daily communication. Another program that has been designed to achieve financial objectives is that there are those employees that will have to move from the place within the first two months to talk to customers and persuade them physically to buy vehicles. This way, they will be able to attain the 40% profit. A program has also been designed to ensure vehicles are shipped in large quantities and not in order to minimize on customer expenses. Implementation and control of marketing plan For any business or organization to achieve its objectives, and implementation of the marketing plan should be done effectively (Laudon Laudon, 2010). To achieve objectives of a brand BMW Z4 should come up with a group of managers that overlook the work done for the brand to achieve its goals. One of the objectives of BMW Z4 is to get profit, and lower buying price of the vehicle and these can be obtained if the management put in place facilitates achieving these objectives. The correct attitude should be put in business to run well. Marketing control comes in to ensure that all marketing activities carried out aim to attain the brand's goals and objectives. It is there to monitor and evaluate how available resources and finances are used. For BMW Z4 to attain 40% profit, there must be an evaluation that is carried out to ensure every employee adheres to what is needed to achieve this objective. Conclusion Therefore, it is critical for any organization to perform an analysis of the market plan so that goals can be attained. A SWOT analysis is carried out to know how to deal with competitors and also know what their strength is so that they can capitalize on it. Marketing mix analysis is also necessary because one knows the importance of carrying out promotions and designing a product differently. All these analyses are there to help an organization achieve its objectives. References Adam, S., Wim, N. Micheline, G. (2011). Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Economic Development. Oxford University Press, ISBN No. 978- 92-808-3093-4 Blythe, J. (2009). Key Concepts in Marketing. London: Sage Publications. ISBN978-1-84787-498-6 Cameron, B. (2014). Management. Strategic Leadership Review, pp. 22-27. Hartmann, W., Nair, H. Narayanan, S. (2011). Identifying Casual Marketing Mix Effects Using a Regression Discontinuity Design, Marketing Science, Vol. 30(6), pp. 1079-1097. John, A., Katherine, E. Jocz (2012). All Business is Local: Why Place Matters More than Ever in a Global, Virtual World. Penguin. Kim, K., Hayes, J., Avant, J. Reid, L. (2014). Trends in Advertising Research: A Longitudinal Analysis of Leading Advertising, Marketing, and Communication Journals, 1980 to 2010, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 43(3), pp. 296-316. Kumar, V., Sharma, A. Gupta, S. (2017). Accessing the influence of the strategic marketing research on the generating impact: Moderating roles of models, journals, and estimation approaches, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 45(2), 164-185. Laudon, K., Laudon, J. (2010). "Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm." Eleventh Edition (11 ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Luan, Y. Sudhir, K. (2010). Forecasting Marketing-Mix Responsiveness for the New Products, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 47(3), pp. 444. Maggon, M. Harish, C. (2015). Revisiting The Relationship Marketing and the Customer Relationship Management in the Leading Tourism and the Hospitality Journals: Research Trends From 2001 to 2013, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Vol. 14(1), pp. 53-77. Mintz, O. Currim, I. (2013). What Drives Managerial Use of Marketing and Financial Metrics and Does Metric Use Affect Performance of Marketing-Mix Activities? Journal of Marketing, Vol. 77(2), pp. 17. Perreault, W. (2010). Essentials of marketing: A marketing strategy planning approach Chase, H., Mackillop, J. Hogarth, L. (2013). Isolating behavioral economic indices of the demand in relation to the nicotine dependence, Psychopharmacology, Vol. 226(2), pp. 371-80. Sinapuelas, I., Wang, H. Bohlmann, J. (2015). The interplay of innovation, brand, and marketing mix variables in line extensions, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol. 43(5), pp. 558-573. Wood, M. (2008). The marketing plan handbook. Pearson Prentice Hall BMW Concept Z4 First Look - Motor Trend. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.motortrend.com/cars/bmw/z5/2018/bmw-concept-z4-first-look/ BMW Z4 - BMW USA. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.bmwusa.com/vehicles/z4.html
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